
Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Under the Bed!

My Basic Facts!

Adding and subtracting tens

30+40= 70
 20+30= 50 
 80+10= 90 
 10+40= 50 
 50+30= 80 
 60+20= 80 
 50+10= 60 
 10+60= 70 
 30+20= 50 
 80+20= 100 

 80-40= 40 
 90-30= 60
 50-10= 40
 30-20= 10 
 20-10= 10
 70-40= 30 
 50-30= 20 
 80-10= 70 
 70-20= 50
90-50= 40

Friday, 8 November 2013

My Inquiry!!

my Story about the conjuring

Orientation: One day there live a family name hemara family they move to america. After that when they undo their boxes of stuff all the sisters were playing hide and clap but lisa was in she was scared because she felt something touching her, she told her sister’s that something was touching her while she was playing hide and clap. Mum (Amber) told them that it is dinner time so the sisters came for dinner. And after when they finish their dinner they were on there way to bed.

The next day Emma (the little sister) found a box and when you the music stop you see a little boy wants to be your friend but when Amber had a look Emma give her mum a fright she was really scared. When the kids came from kids they were hide and clap again. But Amy ( the older sister) was in so she had to call out the numbers for them to clap, After that it was time for them to go to bed one night Amy was asleep and Amy felt something pulling her legs and she thought that was her older sister was pulling her legs but there were no one there. When she went back to sleep she felt something pulling her again but there were no one there again but she saw a black shadow on the wall.

My Setting Narrative!!

Orientation: One dark night there was a little girl name Amelia and her sister Emma they were living near a lake. Emma and Amelia just moved there Amelia was sacred to go for a walk around the lake because they would always stay inside and play. Because Amelia thought there was something wrong of the lake but Emma didn’t believe her.

 Problem: The next day was when Emma’s family went for a walk around the block and when they were on there way back home Emma fell over, When she fell she saw a lake and she was really sacred.After when Emma got up she hurt her leg really bad she was calling for some help but no one couldn’t hear and she saw something moving in the lake and now she was crying for help but no one didn’t hear her. After when she finish crying she heard someone talking to someone and it was here mum and her sister she was calling out for help and it was her sister heard her so they got her and her mum helped her up.


Solution: After when she was out of the lake she thank her mum and sister for helping her up out of the lake And they were on there way home.

My Fraction Rockets.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

My Inquiry!!

My endangered Game

Today for maths I was playing a game called Endangered. Hope you like it 

Friday, 1 November 2013

My Narrative Story About The Conjuring!!

Orientation: One day there live a family name hemara family they move to america. After that when they undo their boxes of stuff all the sisters were playing hide and clap but lisa was in she was scared because she felt something touching her, she told her sister’s that something was touching her while she was playing hide and clap. Mum (Amber) told them that it is dinner time so the sisters came for dinner. And after when they finish their dinner they were on there way to bed.

Problem: The next day Emma (the little sister) found a box and when you the music stop you see a little boy wants to be your friend but when Amber had a look Emma give her mum a fright she was really scared. When the kids came from kids they were hide and clap again. But Amy ( the older sister) was in so she had to call out the numbers for them to clap, After that it was time for them to go to bed one night Amy was asleep and Amy felt something pulling her legs and she thought that  was her older sister was pulling her legs but there were no one there. When she went back to sleep she felt something pulling her again but there were no one there again but she saw a black shadow on the wall.


My Missing Letter Match Game!!

Today for spelling I was playing a game called Missing Letter Match, All you have to do put the missing letter in the right word. Hope you like it

My Book on the Go!

My Holi Game!!


Thursday, 31 October 2013

My Athletics Game!!

Today for sumdog I was playing Athletics. It was a fun game to play because you have to guess what number comes after next. Hope you like it 

My Narrative Story

The volcano blowed up like a bomb and it was shaking like an earthquake. the fire was coming towards me. I was trying to run away but the rock was going everywhere, you could see the fire going through the house. the fire was slide moving side to side like a snake. it was so scary that Lavinia didn’t wanna touch because it was 100& hot in flames.

 When that volcano stop you can see anything that is burnt like houses,schools,shops,cars. And even people had died from the volcano too. Emma shocked that the volcano happen because if I didn’t survive then I had died from the volcano, Emma said the Lavina “ Where’s mum and dad? “ And Emma “ They are on the other side of the island! “ and Lavinia was starting to cry because she thinks that her mum and dad had died from the volcano.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

My Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops Poem!!

Today For Reading I was doing a Poem called Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops. Hope you like it

My Narrative Story (Tsunami)

One bright day Lisa and molly went to the beach to go for a swim. Molly told Lisa to come for a swim with her but she didn't want to because, she knew what was gonna happen but she didn't wanna go and tell Molly because she will think that she was faking it. After that Molly’s mum told them that it was lunch time so Lisa went to go and get Molly that it was lunch time. When she told Molly to come and have some lunch Molly came out of the water and when Lisa was going back to have some lunch she felt something shaking on the ground she was really scared. 

 THE NEXT DAY when it was a cold day to go to the beach Lisa and Molly wanted to go back to the beach to go for swim but it was a cold day to go for a swim. So Lisa and Molly made a fire to keep them warm and also they were watching movie. When the rain stop they went outside to play they were playing hide and seek, rugby, hide and clap and a water fight. After when the were going inside to change Lisa saw a big wave coming towards them Lisa said” These a Tsunami Run” so they all run to the car and drive to the mountain so the big wave wont get them. That day later Molly was really scared and she told her mum and said” what just happen ?” and molly said” it was a big Tsunami” And when the tsunami was gone it was a big mess to clean up everyone got hurt so they had to go to the hospital and some people die from the big tsunami.

My Maths Work

4+4= 8
8+1= 9



3+4= 7

7+8= 15



9+10= 19

10+11= 21

12+13= 25



  • 24+1=25

Friday, 13 September 2013

My Author Study!!

My Novel Study!!

Sum-Dog number Two

Today I was playing Sum-dog again and this time I was playing Tower Climb.

Sum dog.

Today I was playing sum dog and I was playing Holi and it was fun.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Frog Facts!

I am doing a facts about frogs. Hope you enjoy 


Today I am on spelling. The game I'm on is Scrambles .It is really fun to play Hope you enjoy it 

Missing Letter Match!

Today I have been practising my spelling. The learning game I am on is Missing Letter match. It is really fun to play. Hope you enjoy it. 

Farkle Frog

Today I have been practicing my spelling. And the spelling game I am playing is Farkle Frog. 

Monday, 9 September 2013

Dream Jigsaw

Today for maths I have been practicing my timetables. And the game I was playing Dream Jigsaw.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Addition Attack

Today I played a game called addition attack. it is really fun to play because it teacher's you to add up.   A

My Poem!!

Even or Odd!!

Today I am on study ladder  learning game's. I  am playing odds and evens. It is really cool to play because I am learning what is odd numbers and even numbers. Hope you enjoy it. 

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Awesome day with uncle James!

On Tuesday Afternoon Uncle James taught us how to draw cartoon characters. I would like to say thank you uncle James I appreciate you for coming to our class

My Term Three Goals!!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Letter Drop.

Today During Spelling Time I played a game called Letter drop it is fun Here is the link if you want to play it.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Haiku Poem!

The Spooky Cemetry

 I can see a spooky rusty old cemetery in the forest. I can hear scary noises around me it was like it was going to hurt me. If I was in the forest I will be very scared. I can feel coldness around me. I saw something black around me. It was still the evening, and it was getting darker and darker and darker until it went pitch black. I was scared and frightened. Later that night I was walking through the forest and I was something in the forest it had long arms and no face and also it had long legs. After when i walked past the forest I heard something scary and it was very scary. I turned around and see what it was and there were nobody there. So when she was on her way home she, she saw someone at the cemetery and it was a little girl named Amy. She was 10 years old. I asked her ‘ What is your name’ and she didn't answer me so when I went to her and touched her she had blood all over her. I heard a noise behind me, I turned around there was nothing there. I turned back to Amy and she was gone!!!! I was so frightened I ran screaming out of the cemetery and all of the way home. Never ever again will I go into a cemetery by myself!!!!